Do you have old or damaged photos, negatives or slides that you want to restore and preserve? If so, you need a professional photo restoration service that can bring your precious memories back to life.
My restoration and colorisation work has appeared in documentary films on the Discovery network and the CBC. As The Photo Mender, I offer high-quality photo restoration at affordable prices. I can fix old photos that have scratches, stains, tears, fading, or color loss. I can also colorize black and white photos, enhance details, remove unwanted objects and scan negatives and slides.
Whether you want to restore old family photos, vintage portraits, historical images, or any other type of photo, I can help you. Contact me today or get a free quote for your photo restoration project. You may also email me at thephotomenders@gmail.com or visit me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest.
The Photo Mender in the Media
Check these out, For more details on my photo restoration and colorization work.
A Feature Done by NTV
A Feature done by the CBC
An article by the Chronicle Herald